Skateland upcoming drama film that is scheduled on May 13, 2011 as its released date (United States). The film refers to name of roller rink located on East Texas, early 1980s. So, what is actually Skateland is? The film, is about Ritchie who must struggle in identifying his own future, what will he do in his life. He wants to continue his study to college or something else; however there is also other spectacular idea behind the story that you should watch it.
Skateland, that is premiered along Sundance Film Festival (2010); is directed by Anthony Burns; in other hands, he also play role as screenplay story. Meanwhile the film cast covers Shiloh Fernandez, Heath Freeman, Ashley Greene, Taylor Handley, and many more. This upcoming film; is distributed by Freestyle Releasing and take several studio to finish it; Freeman Film, Reversal Films as well as Skateland Productions
Technically, the film offer above average drama film with a tragedy towards Ritchie’s life, it makes everything change. Similar to typical indie film; most characters involved in the Skateland were not without dimension, however I obviously has its own unique and strength; gives another surprise along the story. Some dramatic atmosphere along the story will make the film more special. Considering its title; its seems that the venue chosen in the film is simply depict the rudderless Ritchie Wheeler (Shiloh Fernandez) in which he has so many experience and memories about his past life, school and friends. Thus, the film has its own storytelling style that the plot is harmonically tied up and a swell along its music.
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