Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lady Gaga, The Most Popular Actress on Facebook.

Lady Gaga, The Most Popular Actress on Facebook. Lady Gaga is the first person who achieve more than number 10 million of fans on Facebook. The five other most popular figures on Facebook are the programs (games) and Michael Jackson's. However, it should be noted that fans of President Obama was created and is managed by a group calling itself the Organizing for America, which is part of the Democratic National Committee.

On the social networking site Twitter, Lady Gaga also outperformed Obama with a total 317,282 more fans. However, both are in the range of four millions of fans, and there are fourth and fifth. Above them is Ellen DeGeneres (first), followed by actor Ashton Kutcher and singer Britney Spears. Although somewhat popular, the popularity of U.S. President Barack Obama in attracting fans of the popular site Facebook was still less than one Lady Gaga, 24-year-old singer who is often called the media has a "cold face".

On Tuesday (6 / 7) morning U.S. time, as reported by CBS News and the New York Times, Lady Gaga or the singer real name Joanne Angelina 10,996,842 Germanotta managed to capture a fan on Facebook, setting aside that Obama has 9,967,630 fans. Daniel Dearlove of social media sites Famecount statistics say, the achievement of 10 million fans that are extraordinary, both for Lady Gaga and Facebook performance.


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