Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lindsay Lohan is Looking for Man to Date

Lindsay Lohan is looking for man to date. The fact that Lindsay Lohan has been dating with the same sex is common Hollywood gossip since the actress had previously date with a woman DJ, Samantha Ronson. However apparently not close the possibility for men, because Lohan still interested to get in touch with them!

Lindsay had to undergo the relationship of love with a girl who works as a DJ for several years. Unfortunately, cases that happened to him, as well as the rehabilitation of detention; actually had made them separate. Ronson herself reportedly also has found new liver moorings, which also is a girl.

When a job interview in an Australian radio broadcast, The Kyle and Jackie O Show, MEAN GIRLS star was questioned about her sexual attractiveness. Kyle asked if Lohan considers herself a lesbian or bisexual, and whether there is a chance for men to date with Lindsay Lohan. With surprise, Lindsay responded, "Yes." Unfortunately, when 'chased' more distant, with Jackie who asked if he had a chance to date with Lindsay, the actress looked confused and did not know what to say. Finally, who ejected from her lips was, "It's weird."


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